
June 24

Miles: 9

Location: Port Clinton, PA

Weather: Hot. Also muddy from all the rain we got last night. 

Complaint of the Day: Let’s go with the muddy trail. It poured much of last night as I slept in the shelter and I woke up to the trail being one giant mud puddle this morning. Hopefully my shoes will be dry by tomorrow morning.

Today’s plan worked much better in my head than in did in practice. I had hoped to get into town by 11:00, hitch a ride to Walmart, grab lunch, get a few things at Cabela’s, and be back to the hotel by mid-afternoon for several hours of napping. Sounds easy enough. But I got into town. A little late, spent some time getting a haircut (first one in almost 3 months!), and then had to wait a bit to get a hitch down to Walmart. Then getting over to Cabela’s was harder than it should have been. It is so close according to the map, but everything was designed for cars, nothing is pedestrian friendly. This was even more apparent when I tried to get back to the hotel this afternoon and had to walk along the narrow shoulder along a pretty busy highway. Thankfully I was able to get someone to pick me up after about 20 minutes of trying.

So I eventually got back to my mediocre hotel room at about 4:30. I took a much needed shower (first real shower in almost two weeks!) and then had plenty of organizing to get done for tomorrow. I barely had time for a nap before dinner. I honestly had more time for napping yesterday after I hiked 15 miles. And I still haven’t figured out how to get laundry done around here. Oh well. It will be good to have a real bed tonight. Back to the trail tomorrow.

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