
July 16

Miles: 16 (1589/2189)

Location: Wilbur Clearing Shelter

Weather: Perfect

Complaint of the Day: Logistics is hard. Stopping early yesterday essentially forced me to stop early today. 

Somehow the worst part about today was that it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I had been told that climbing up and over Mt. Greylock would be really challenging. I had planned for this. I carried less food than I otherwise would have. I planned it out so I would only have to do 16 miles in case climbing the mountain took longer than expected. I was ready.

But then… I went out and climbed the mountain. Big freaking deal. In no way was this mountain any tougher than anything else I have done over the last couple of months. Sure, it was a long climb. But it was an easy and straight forward climb. No big rocks to scramble over or anything. The view from the top was nice, I guess, but again, it was nothing special compared to all the other viewpoints I’ve seen this summer. 

So even after taking an extended lunch up on the peak, I still managed to get to this shelter by 4:30. I had plenty of energy and the weather was great. I would have loved to have pushed on a few more miles to the next shelter. But in between here and there is the road down to town where I will need to get groceries. I had time to groceries and I had time to hike to the next shelter, but I really didn’t have time to do both. So that means I had to stay here and be lazy again this afternoon. There are worse fates I suppose. But tomorrow I will need to do some serious miles, after stopping for groceries, to make up for all this laziness. And the weather looks less than perfect tomorrow. 

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